Inspirational Entrepreneur: Melissa Lipari

MelissaLipari CircleMotivated by a desire to spend more time with her family and escape the chains of corporate America, Melissa now has a spiritual health & wellness practice in Boynton Beach, Florida. Her interview inspires us to let go of our own fears and embrace the life we were meant to live.

What inspired you to become a holistic entrepreneur?

I was tired and overwhelmed with being in corporate America. I wasn’t as fulfilled as I used to be. I struggled with lots of stress and anxiety. I said there has to be another way. I wanted to be with my daughter and spend more quality time with her.


Tell us about your business or practice.

I have a spiritual health and wellness business that offers, Yoga, Meditation, Massage, Facials, Adult and Children’s classes.

I am a spiritual & business life coach that helps clients step outside their mind and connect with their heart.


What is your current business model?

Provides services in person at Zenerations of Boca and virtually via phone, internet, livestream, etc.


What has been one of your favorite moments as a business owner thus far?

To hear from our clients that we have helped them feel more peace in their lives. When they are in our space they feel loved, connected and want to become the best they can be.


What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in running your business or practice?

FEAR – Can we actually make money doing this after all the overhead costs.

FEAR of not being good enough or being able to make it happen. FEAR of the outcome. I find I get attached to wanting to be successful.


How have you overcome those challenges?

I meditate daily and pray to let go of the chatter in my head and come back to being heart centered. I


How do you find new clients?

Facebook, Internet, Networking, Referrals


What have you found to be most effective in securing new clients to sign up for your services?

To have them sign up when they are in the moment. Not to wait because people have so much going on, they will tend to put things off.


What do you do to keep your existing clients engaged in the long term?

I engage with them and get to know who they are and what they like to do. Likes, dislikes, interests.


As your own boss, what is your best strategy for staying focused and productive during your workday?

To write out a daily list and prioritize what is most important


If you could start your business over again from the beginning, what would you do differently?

Nothing – I trust it is all going the way it is supposed to go.


What were some of the first mistakes you made that you would tell a new holistic entrepreneur to avoid?

Spending money on advertising in the beginning, Saying Yes, when I should have said No.


What are the top three business tools or resources you couldn’t live without?

Connection with likeminded Coaches & Teachers, My Business Partner and Boyfriend Marcos, My ability to tap into my creativity


What has been your most effective method for growing your business?

Working with people who know more than I do.


What is the craziest thing you’ve ever for done for your business?

Can’t think of anything – About to really step outside my comfort zone and speak next week at a local university. This is a HUGE step for me.


What is your favorite indulgence?



Most exotic thing you’ve ever eaten?



Most memorable place you’ve ever visited?

Cozumel, Mexico


Last book you read?

Falling into Grace


If you could only have one kind of food for the rest of your life, it would be…



What is your go-to breakfast?

Eggs and Turkey Bacon


What do you find most fascinating about the human body?

How all of the cells in our body work together to form an entire system and that it functions effortlessly without us having to work at it.


What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?

The ability to build and create like an exquisite piece of art


Melissa Lipari is a Life Coach and owner of a Spiritual Health & Wellness Center based out of Boynton Beach, Florida. You can find out more about her and her businesses, Zenerations of Boca & A Shift in Perception, at and

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I’m Jessica

The wellness work you are doing is needed now more than ever and I created the HEA to help you with the business side of things.

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