Trevia Walker leads an intriguing life as a Massage Therapist and Arvigo Treatment practitioner helping women love and honor themselves by providing treatment and support for abdominal, uterine and pelvic health. (Arvigo is a massage technique specifically designed...
Stephanie turned her passion for health and wellness into a business, Your Fertile Self, where she helps men and women struggling with infertility to build their families by helping build their health. Her interview inspires us to take our business one step at a time...
Rosie was embarking on her own health journey when she decided to enroll in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Now she creates programs with the goal of empowering parents and providing them with tools to nourish their children while still managing their own...
After going through her own cancer diagnosis nearly 10 years ago, Prabha became passionate about nutrition as a way to prevent illness. She now helps busy women with their own health challenges and goals by providing sustainable changes that become life-long...
Inspired by a series of life events that forced her to change paths, Melissa dedicated herself to becoming a health professional. She now runs a naturopathic practice from her farm in Australia, where she is able to show her clients what healthy living looks like in...
Driven by the mission to inspire women to reach their highest physical potential through self-love and encouragement, Julie works with her clients through Pilates, dance and fascia release. Her interview inspires us to recognize our value and worth and to embrace our...